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RAM & POT Promotion

1. Improved the quality of life time
2. Applied Gold-Coating with tribo-surface
3. Durable improvement and cost reduction.
Form of Order
1. Purpose : Transfer Mold EMC Tablet Ejection “RAM” & “POT”
2. Can be make customized according to Equipment condition and drawing of customer.
3. Application Examples (Refer to the image as below)





Spacer Wafer Promotion

● Method of shipment


2. JAR

3. BOX

1. Purpose : Stack PKG Spacer
Back Lap & Wafer Saw of Machine Dummy Wafer only
2. Division of Si Wafer
- Reclaim Wafer : Particle 20n
- Spacer / Dummy Wafer : Thickness : 750 ~ 780㎛
Thickness : 700 ~ 750㎛
Thickness : less than 700㎛
Form of Order
1. Wafer Size : (1) Diameter 12inch       (2) Diameter 8Inch
2. Wafer purpose of use : (1) Reclaim wafer      (2) Spacer wafer      (3) Dummy wafer
   - Reclaim Wafer : Used in the process of the FAB Machine Test
   - Spacer Wafer : Used in the process of the Stack PKG Assembly like MCP, e-MCP, etc.
   - Dummy Wafer : Used in the process of the Wafer Back Grinding, Wafer Saw, Wafer Stealth saw Machine Initialization Condition Set-up
3. Wafer Thickness
(1) 750~780㎛      (2) 700~750㎛      (3) less than 700㎛